iPhone vs DSLR

 iPhone photos of your business verses professional photos, taken with a DSLR ?

It seems like the easy answer - you would hire a photographer that best suits your brand to collect the best images to help represent you, right? But with the rise in technology advancing and the photography from phones being used more and more it’s hard to know whether the photos from our iPhone will help secure us the next job, will they represent our business well enough ? It’s a tough one and they both have their place.

Investing in a photographer means you’re investing in so much more than high quality images. Below we’ve detailed some points that could help you with your decision.

By Hiring an experienced photographer to capture your business photos, you would be:

●      Supporting a small business to gain traction in a time when being self- employed is more turbulent than ever.

●      Gaining years of experience from someone who is specialised in shooting your product (or face!) in a way that is flattering, effective and eye catching.

●      Have a guaranteed outcome on the images you receive, having had consultations and discussions prior to really nail down what it is you’re after.

●      Gaining the highest quality images available. Raw images from a camera create the perfect foundation for the highest quality of finished photograph.

●      Gaining access to a range of tools: lenses, lights, filters. All of these small but important parts of a photographer's toolbox help to create the most ideal shooting setting, bringing out your eyes, the colour of your product or the beauty of a moment into crisp, high definition presentation.

On top of this, the safety of your images and data is of the utmost importance to a professional photographer. All photos from a shoot will be archived safely for future use, and in the instance of any corruption or damage there will be a backup made. Saving and organising your images can be complex and time consuming, a good photographer will always have several copies of your images, so if something goes wrong and you loose your photos, you can always get another copy. It can be difficult to know where your photos will end up when taken on a mobile device. A professional photographer will edit the best of the images and provide them to you already edited in formats perfect for printing and for using in an online environment.

So if you’re wanting to lean in the highest quality shots to represent the highest quality of your brand, we say it’s a no brainer! You’ll be setting yourself up for success when you hire a photographer for your next shoot. Save the iPhone for the behind the scenes the capture and remember to keep the colour of your editing consistent, so your feed and online presence is always telling your ideal customer a consistent brand story. Enquire with us today so we can help to bring your next vision to life! hello@stillmedia.com.au


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